Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I know what kind of books I read in high school ...

Hmmm ...
First, here's the article.
Second - see the title of my post. Let's all be honest (just for a sec) about what we secretly and/or openly read when we were teenagers. Take a moment. Think back. Remember what it was like, reading those pages with one ear tuned to who might approach and one hand clenched to hide the book quickly.

Now - what do we think about this? Is there a place for explicit YA fiction?
I know it would get read. (As long as a mass mob of angry parents didn't burn the fiction and the author to the ground.)  The line about fanfic esp. rang true for me. But does it have value?

I think so. How do we teach teens to have healthy, imaginative, fun and creative sex lives? Or how to go about that once they have reached whatever appropriate gate we have set (age, marriage, life circumstance, etc.) We all learned about sex somewhere, right?

What do you all think? Should YA fic remain PG? Should we let teens find their own "adult" books? Is there a new (fireproof) market for this out there??

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