Friday, November 4, 2011

Warm Fuzzies!

I am participating in Juliana Brandt's Blogfest this week!
Here are the details!
"This week, we'll cater to those of us who are completely possessive over our WIPs and don't want to give anything too telling away. Instead of posting something intimate about our writing, post a picture or piece of music that describes your WIP."

Now - I'm not all *that* possessive over my book. (Just ask the dozens of people I've implored to read and critique. Sometimes I just walk up to people in the targeted audience's demographics and beg. Well, no. Not really. That would be shameless. Speaking of which - any of *you* want to read it? Pretty please?? lol.)

My main inspiration comes from music. I create soundtracks for characters, novels, moods, scenes - I use the lyrics and the sounds to create an atmosphere in my brain where I am transported to the world I am writing about. And it works really well - kind of like an auditory TARDIS.

Sometimes my friends and family talk to me while I'm writing and it's like I'm looking at them through a haze, their words sounding hollowed out and far away, like constantly getting yanked out of a dream. I only take in about 30% of what's going on around me - though I do take in that 30%! - and occasionally toss in random responses to outside stimuli. Occasionally.

One of my faves for HARD NOX? This:

But - in case you haven't noticed - I do love pictures and find that artwork can inspire me as well. Sometimes I sketch anime versions of my characters as I try to get into their head. Or sometimes I google pics like these and stare at other people's drawings. *Note - only drawings and nature pictures. Pictures of actual people always fail to inspire. Don't know why. Here are a few of my favorites:

Which reaper do you like best? Which one jumps out as the saddest? Or the most playful? Because in my head, my MC is both. :)

Happy Blogging, y'all! 


Juliana L. Brandt said...

"Sometimes my friends and family talk to me while I'm writing and it's like I'm looking at them through a haze, their words sounding hollowed out and far away, like constantly getting yanked out of a dream." Dude, that is the BEST way to describe that feeling. So true.

Fierce pictures. I love the 'look' of your WIP.

Kristy Shen said...

Which reaper is my favorite? I can't choose I LOVES THEM ALL!!!

So your MC is a reaper? Very cool. said...

Ooh I love the creepy one the best.